Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Download the new mixtape from Themsleves


Below is a track from a older album.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Album of the year...MF Doom Born Like This

Sunday, March 22, 2009

They are called Japanese Cartoon, with 1st and 15th, Lupe's label...RAW!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Is this one of the few artist that have not fallen in the Jay sickness. A lot of artist take pride in putting down tracks in the booth, in and out, but where is the polished hip-hop at. That is one of the sound differences in todays hip-hop than yesterdays, the smooth tracks, that don't sound like they were free styles....

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hot Mixtape!!

Hot Hip-Hop check it out...

New Mixtape!!

From: Kooley High

The Robbery

Who are The Robbery,

Band Bio

"We are The Robbery. We were born in January of 2007 weighing 8 lbs 2oz. We play hard. We melt faces. We shake bones. We wet pants...yours, not ours, but try not to wet yours cause it smells.
We are young, but our hearts are in the right place and our heads are on straight. We are the underdog, but our dreams are big, and our drive is out of this world. We want nothing more then to live the life we have all chosen to pursue... "
"...but we've got everything to prove

I actually got a chance to chill with the bands drummer Anthony, Kool cat F.Y.I, and then got to preview some of the new album that they that just came out with, a rock/ambient sound that is pretty fucking RAW!! They proved enough to me, buy material.

check them out on


Never Better

So, I always thought that hip-hop and punk music is one and the same. Its drive, the outcast of the community, the people making statements. So, I always thought there should be a sub-genre Punk-Hop, a genre that at the least should emerge. I got into a few conversations with a couple of punk kids, and they were confused of what that would sound like, one kid said that is two styles of music that should not marry.

I guess you can say Rage is Punk-Hop or maybe even Rancid, but I think those were small stepping stones that shows I am not mad. P.O.S, well... he has showed me that punk-hop is here and here to stay. makes a point by saying Linkin Park and Limp Bizkit (thank god he is gone) are forced attempts, and P.O.S delivers this blend of work effortlessly, but they don't really put a finger on what it is...Punk-Hop people! Kick-ass hard-hitting drums and a Flow that undoubtably gives him a MC 12 gun salute is on point. The lyrics say what they are suppose to say, do what they are suppose to do; no metaphorical illusions, smoke and mirrors...simple and tightly woven together.

What pisses me Off...Pitchfork "From front to back, the album's an acquired taste, and even if it's not the big paradox that an album mixing punk ethics with rap virtuosity might risk becoming," Some Jag is saying that this is a paradox, as if fusion of musical taste is absurd. HELLO, hip-hop at the least means 100% expression, all art is...that means full freedom, the fact that pitchfork gives it a 7.0 after saying it is solid for the most part, but very different is a paradox in it self.

I call this a milstone in music, coming from another artist staying true to his art form, thank you P.O.S. I love it!!

Freshness: 5 out of 5

Content: 5 out of 5 and twenty-five thumbs up Love it!